sabato 5 ottobre 2019

Gaming the Crusades - first playtest

Recently our club "Band of Butei" joined the group "Gaming the Crusades" (their Facebook page and their website) to offer some help developing an expansion for Lion Rampant, called "Lion Rampant: the Crusades", which aim to cover the period from the First Crusade to the Fall of Acre in the Near East, offering historically detailed scenarios, specific army list and special rules to involve the players and the readers in the epic story of the Crusades.

Last week we had our first playest. We cannot reveal much about it to avoid spoilers, but at the current state is based on the Lion Rampant scenario "The Messenger". We had a Syrian Principate (Islamic) retinue trying to avoid an Knights Hospitaller ambush. Or at least their leader. But they failed.

Anyway what we can do is post some pictures of our game and assure you this project is worth the waiting! Enjoy!

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