lunedì 21 agosto 2017

Defending the DEFENSIBLE!

Two Condottieri clashed in my basement some evenings ago:  I led the Colleoni's retinue. Paolo led the Camposampiero's one. 

Camposampiero was a noble family from... Camposampiero, near Padua. They had a large fortune during XII century, controlling large territories, but eventually they supported the wrong sides and were virtually annihilated. In our game (set in the first half of XV century) one member of this family tries to defend the few possession still owned by the family. To reinforce his retinue he hired a mercenary force, composed by Swiss pikemens.

Having lost much of the past power Da Camposampiero was Sly (no morale bonus). Colleoni was lionhearted (re-roll up to two dice in combat). The Venetian Condottiere had to burn down the last Camposampiero tower.

The mission looked easy: Albanese Stradiotti hurried forward the tower, defended by one unit of foot sergeants and one of expert archers. However they managed to fail evasion and were caught by an unexpected assault from the men defending the tower. They were exterminated and the few survivors fled immediatly after.

The bold infantrymen then took a defensive position between two rough piece of terrains and effectively delayed further advances.

On Colleoni's left flank the skirmisher advance was repulsed by the prompt arrival of reinforcements (I never saw such a quick march from foot sergeants, probably my failed activation played a role).

On the right flank Camposampiero mounted men at arms launched repetead charges against the Venetian to gain time. They fought to the last men (comprising their commander), but by that time, a sturdy defensive line was formed in front of the tower, and the Venetian losses began to worry Colleoni. When his skirmisher were caught in the woods and routed he decided that the life of half of his man was a price to expensive to pay. The Camposampiero family was save once again.

Few years after they bended the knee and started fighting for Venice. But this is an other story, yet to be written.

In the nearby village no one expects a punitive raid

The stradiots are caught unprepared by Camposampiero's men advance.
The golden lion rampant in light blue field is the coat of arms of family Camposampiero. Two lions clashed here!

The Swiss mercenaries prevents further attacks

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